Doggie Daycare
Let us tire out your pups during the day so you can relax at night! Our facility expands over 15,000 square feet which allows us to have playgroups that are safer and smaller. Dogs are separated by size, temperament, and activity level. We offer something for all dogs, regardless of their social skills, full group play, small group play, limited group play, private care and even day school. All staff are certified in Knowing Dogs 101 and 201, ensuring proper knowledge of animal body language, behaviors, group play protocols and first aid. Our yards consist of a variety of play equipment, "paw"-friendly K-9 grass, an ample amount of shade, and even wading pools in the summer. Our goal is to make sure your dog has the best time possible in our facility.
After your pup is over the age of 7 months, we do require all female dogs to be spayed. We are currently accepting unneutered males, please note that we do charge an extra $5 charge for keeping an extra eye out for certain behavioral traits that come with unneutered males.
All that we need to get your pup signed up is proof of vaccinations for Bordatella, Distemper/Parvo, and Rabies and to get you registered in our system. There are two ways to get registered, either through our portal (See the book now button on our home page) or filling out our registration paperwork by hard-copy.

Your Pups First D​ay
We understand that dropping off your pup for his or her first day of daycare is very similar to watching your kid board the bus for their first day of kindergarten. We do our best to make sure your pups first day is fun-filled and easygoing. Our introduction process is personalized for your dog to ensure that they have their best first day possible.
At first, we will clear a yard and bring your pup in on a slip lead so they can get comfortable in their new surroundings. Once they become used to the yard, we will bring in one of our calmest dogs from the other yard to assess how your dog interacts and greets other dogs. At your dogs pace, we will bring in dogs one by one working up towards our more energetic dogs. If your dog passes the introduction process, they will be in daycare for the rest of the day.
Some pups do require more work and attention and that is exactly why we offer day school. Some dogs also may require more than one intro until they get comfortable. If your pup didn't quite make it into group, we do charge an additional $5 (Private Care Charge) because we have someone that is dedicated specifically for rotating the separate pups for potty breaks and outside time and they get one-on-one play with a handler or even interaction with other dogs in small group play if possible.
The introduction process is included in the price of daycare and there are no extra fees or evaluation fees associated with your pups first day.
Intro days for daycare must be scheduled and are offered on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday. You will be notified as soon as we can schedule the intro day! We need to limit the amount of intros we have in order to dedicate the proper time to each dog and set them up for success!
Rates & F​ees
Full Day: $34
Half Day (6AM-12PM or 1-7PM): $19
Half Days are available Monday -Friday
Unaltered Care Charge (Unneutered males over 7 mo.): $5
Private Care Charge: $5 (Dogs that need help with their social skills and need private care)